Am coming to the end of the busiest week ever i think!
Tuesday was my sisters graduation which was pretty cool. Both her and her bf are doctors now, scary! the family came up tho and we had a party in our garden afterwards that was pretty cool. in the evening went to jeals 21st thing in his garden with hannah for a bit which was nice, his mum did a sick hog roast and there was a crazy 10p 20p cash game that saw wins of £200 and losses of £300 for some, loool!
Wednesday we got the new house keys (!) where me owe and jeal are living next year,which obviously meant a busy day. am really pleased with it, its gradually getting how i want it to be too.
Thursday was my graduation! Will post pics on fbook soon, was a really good day. didnt fall over on the stage which was handy, and was nice to see some friends again. again the family came up and we had a chinese in the evening which was good, then i was in bed at 10pm as i was ridic tired.
Today has been manic, got to the bank about 10, they wouldnt help me with my isa (wtf) so im taking all my money out of halifax and putting it in lloyds tsb, who actually are nice to me. then bought a new tv for the house (42" plasma, ship) and had to get back for lunch as the sky man was coming to fit the full works package. got the 360 up and running too which is handy. then spent 2 hours on the phone with sky and bt trying to sort out broadband, has gone from 3-4 days, to 1 week, to 2 weeks, to 21-24 days ffs. writing a big letter to sky as theyve really done us over, i am a bit anal and have a call log of who i spoke to, what they said and when so will hopefully get some compensation for it.
This evening i sat down to play as hadn't played for a couple of days. won about 100 euros in sweden and felt i was playing really good. decided i would play 20 games of 20 euro headsup non turbo, and got off to a flyer winning 9 and losing 1. However, in the next 10 games i lost 7! Was pretty standard, had a few sick coolers and then some hands like me 3 betting QQ pre then letting them stack off with middle pair on flop, followed by them 5 outering me on turn/river. I guess you cant win all your 80:20s! Also ran QQ into KK at 50 100 which sucked.
So after rake finished 40 euros up (but played a 10e comp) so balance on 750euros. Will hopefully rake 400-500-600 euros this month too, the plan is to have the balance at a minimum of 1k at the start of august when rb comes in. 1.1k is better, and 1.2k good, with anything above being awesome.
Played a really decent reg called S@mS@m too who i beat, had to play a different style ofc, but was doing things like CRAI on the turn of a AQ56 board after he limp called a raise pre knowing he was floating the flop with such a wise range and would find it had to call without 2 pair +, somehting im obv not doing vs fishy players!
Anyhoo, i think thats everything....not playing as many mtts as im focussing so much on hu, but really feel my game is improving.
Off to lounge in front of big new telly with beer and pretzels...ahh.
Gl all,
10 Years
10 years ago