Monday, 2 March 2009

Hola phuckers!

Today, playe dlike 10 games so far, came home from school super knackered and just wanted to sleep for a while, played one game first which i won easy, then watched new High stakes poker which was real cool :) Durrr just seems like an uber arrogant idiot imo, looking forward to see Ilari start mixing it he is def one of my fav players.. hope he takes durr for a few big pots!

had a sick long siesta, was wonderful althou slept for too long, started playing awhile ago and had a crap start, Lost 3 in a row vs same dude he was horrible real easy to play but he kept getting lucky agasint me, then after goin of slightly in the chat offered him up to a 100 game, than ended up in 3 of them, non turbo of course, his luck ran out and i scoped all 3 :) so up for the day.

Talked to Jeal today and he reckosn he will play more games than me, good luck chuck is all i can say about that hehe, not that i play uberly much but no chance buddy!

was thinking of my game today and one thing i do much vs a little bit better players is i tend to 3 bet them more, never do that unless i have pretty solid hand vs fish cause they anyway call and its harder to play deep big pots when u cant put them on any hands...

hmmm i saw some HUSNG coaching vids the other day and must say they were horrilble, well tbh they werent bug players but still...awful, and the players had like 1% ROI and not that great stats, weird i wonder if anyone buys their service hehe..

anyway playing now will have to focus a tad


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