Friday, 20 February 2009

We.ll take

StigOwe 247 $17 $100 16% $4,274 Hot Ongame

This is my stats from Non turbo sngos 100s as u can see, after looking at this, it kinda makes me think, hmmmm why the hell dont i just play non turbos and less games and just try to be the sickOwe i really am :) That is real silly stats according to one of my friends!

my stats at 50s are nearly as good, obv with a lot more games and same profit, so from now on, a big effort trying to just play these, won some back at non turbo 100s tonight so down like 50 bux, and i reckon im probs up few games since i lost 250 in cash, so we will take as fishy Rivers wud have said...

Saw some sick hands that _hannes sent me and that guy runs like jesus, he has JJ flopp AJJ and other guy obv has AA how sick is that!

2moro live donkament in madrid, casino aranjuez! wheeeey, got to get up soon to take the free bus lol, hopefully i wont miss it hehe.

what else, of yeah watch the boxing game vs gus and Theo as it is 2moro, and check out the EPT Copenhagen, Denmark country of fairytales 2moro aswell....

gonna rail a film now, gg gn

todays result

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